How do YWAM Values Relate to U of N Courses?
by Paul Hawkins
YWAM is visionary, doing new things in new ways where new conditions are required to accomplish the Great Commission. We are called to go into all the world, focusing on the unfinished task. Was there any thought of praying through an outreach as a class where the skills of my course would be used for missions? What assignments were there that required research in missions to complete? Did I consider any assignment that could be displayed at one of the shopping areas in town that would open up evangelism possibilities?
YWAM is international and interdenominational in its scope and composition. Can my course promote attitudes that produce unity among nations or denominations?
YWAM is broad structured with decentralized operating locations linked together by a common purpose. We discourage the elevation of individual personalities. The "star" in this mission is the lay worker. Does my course foster the attitudes of elitism characteristics of university education or produce servant attitudes?
YWAM is relationship oriented. We emphasize openness, humility, and communication rather than dependence on structure and rules. Do I demonstrate that "education is relationships" by the means I manage my course and student?
YWAM is called to value each individual, all races, male and female. We believe every person has unique gifts and callings. Variety and diversity are positive factors toward health and innovative growth. Am I helping my students discover their unique gifts and promote development of those gifts through my course?
YWAM is called to champion the potential of young people and create a channel for their ministry. We encourage them to "go for it". Are there short term applications for developing missions mentalities in youth possible from the content of my course?
YWAM is called to recognize the value of godly character in an individual over and above his gifts, abilities and expertise. What character development can I expect this course to facilitate? Have I considered the relationship of character to the course content?
YWAM is called to servant leadership. What models can I provide in this course that will demonstrate the use of the skills, ideas, or applications of this course's content as a means of serving others.
YWAM is called to honor all ministries and functions equally. We do not recognize a dichotomy between sacred and secular. No roles or functions in the body of Christ are more "spiritual" than others, but everything done in obedience to God who is spiritual. What attitudes can I foster regarding the interdependence of my courses content and skills, to other courses? How can we use the skills in this course to serve other departments or faculties?
YWAM is called to function in teams. We believe that planning and decision-making are not to be exercised exclusively by the leader in isolation, but rather to involve many participants working together (through the process in collaboration and unity). Did I give any assignment that would require the students to work together as a team that would produce a result like recruiting missionaries for a particular nation, or the plight of the hungry and homeless?
YWAM is called to encourage and release each family member to serve on teams devoted to evangelism and missions. Fathers, mothers and children play unique, complementary and vital roles. How can this course serve families in missions? Can my student develop curriculum to teach children the same skills they are learning that can be used in missions even while they are children?
YWAM is dedicated to hospitality. Serving and honoring guest, teachers, and fellow YWAMers in viewed as a privilege. Have I provided means for my students to nourish hospitality skills by the welcome they received into my course, how guest speakers and visiting professors are received, and the relationships and attitudes modeled by students and staff?
YWAM is called to rely on the authority of the Word of God as the standard for life and ministry. Have I sought to understand the biblical basis of my course and its content discovering broader purposes and applications for the kingdom of God that previously envisioned?
YWAM is committed to understanding the character and ways of God, to hearing God's voice and seeking His counsel as part of the process of decision-making. What activities and assignments took place in the school that required my students to see the Lord? Were any assignments unique in that they required wrestling with God, prayer, bible study, meditation, or even worship to accomplish?
YWAM is called to practice a dependence upon God for financial provision both individually and corporately. We recognize it comes through God's people and His church. How can my course foster a dependence upon God and even participate in releasing finances for the furtherance of the kingdom of God?
YWAM is called to intercessory prayer as a lifestyle. We rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide us in the dynamic process of creating with God. How did I relate intercession I tried to have with my students to the subjects we studied? Have I bridged the gap in thinking so processes like intercession and seeking God produce vision for using the skills of my course so as to touch lost souls, or help others to do so?
YWAM is called to be generous and to model and teach generosity. How do we model generosity by sharing what we are learning with other? Have I encouraged generosity among the students in serving one another rather than fostering academic competition?
YWAM is called to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission through preaching the Gospel and discipling all nations. What is the specific application of my course in fulfilling the Great Commission? This question must be answered!
(Last updated: 7 July, 2015) ©International DTS Centre, 2002, 2005, 2015.