God's Intention for Individuals,
Peoples & Creation
Seeing All of Life from God's Perspective
The DTS affirms God's purposes for each individual, peoples and nation.
seeks to inspire people to make responsible choices that bring joy to God and glorify him.
teaches and practices responsible stewardship in every aspect of life.
promotes the potential that ONE can make a Kingdom difference in any people group, place or sphere of society.
encourages creativity both in thought and deed.
practices dynamic Spirit-led intercession that has a transforming impact on what is prayed for as well as the one praying.
God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them.
All people are made in the image of God and as such are the most valuable of all creation.
Every person is of equal value regardless of race, gender, age, social standing, and each person is unique and significant to God.
People are to live and work in a way that honors and glorifies God.
Relationship with God, self and with others is the most fundamental part of life. The Ten Commandments set the standard for these relationships.
All people are created with an ability to recognize the existence of God and with a conscience to help guide in knowing and doing what is right.
God gave people the capacity to create, to have ideas, and to find solutions.
God gave people the capacity and responsibility to make choices that have an effect in history.
God has chosen to accomplish his purposes by partnering with people. He respects the gifts and responsibilities he has given them by making room for their initiatives and choices.
Intercession involves interaction between people and God and furthers God's purposes in people, place and circumstance. (Intercession can involve the use of Scripture).
God made people responsible (stewards) for all of creation. Areas of stewardship include relationships, the environment, personal health, the value of work, making responsible choices, value of rest, generosity, finances, spiritual gifts, hospitality, and the value of time.
God intended for every people group to worship him and live for his glory
God intended for people to be fruitful and multiply: to develop communities, nations and cultures that reflect aspects of his character.
God reveals in the Bible some basic principles on which a Nation or Society should be built. These principles can be applied differently in nations in the spheres of family, church, art and entertainment, economy, media, health, government, education.
God gave humanity abilities to serve one another in various ways in these spheres. All occupations are of equal value and can be a context through which a believer can glorify God (e.g. farmer, pastor, politician, artist, shop keeper, nurse, teacher, evangelist).
In relationship to people and creation:
respect and value for every human being: all ages, genders, peoples and social/economic background
appreciation and honoring of others: their cultures, personalities, and gifts
respect and responsibility for all creation
awareness that all one has comes from God and is to be used to glorify God
the desire to glorify God through work
diligence; faithfulness
seeking possibilities, solutions and creative alternatives
desiring to have and maintain a pure conscience
acknowledgment and reverence for God's moral law
Intercede for God's purposes to come into nations, cultures, and spheres of society.
Carry out all responsibilities such as work duties and homework assignments with diligence.
Handle finances, time and energy responsibly.
Respect and take responsibility for personal and community belongings.
Seek opportunities to accept and affirm the value and uniqueness of each individual.
Respectfully express your culture and embrace the cultural expressions of others.
Become familiar with the details of some unreached people groups.
Personally take responsibility to deal with conflict in one's relationships.
Demonstrate love for God and one another in practical ways.
Express acts of generosity and hospitality.
Explore new ideas, ask questions, actively listen, think through possibilities and solve problems.
Study/ reflect on Scripture relevant to the concepts in this category.
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