U of N Teachers
Why the Best Teachers in the World Are Not Good Enough
by Margaret Tooley
We consider ourselves supremely blessed in YWAM/U of N (and rightly so) because of the quality of teachers that we routinely listen to: men and women who know God intimately, who wait daily in His Presence, and whose driving force is to glorify Him.
But that is not enough. Truth is more than the imparting of information, more than a recitation of facts - even spiritual facts. Truth is a compelling, vibrant, transforming force that invades our lives, changing us from our old selves to be conformed more and more into God's image. We have all met people who are thoroughly acquainted with the facts of the Christian life - their doctrine is thoroughly orthodox and they can even quote Bible verses. But they are no more saved than the front doorbell.
Truth - God's truth - demands a response. It is translated from mere facts to dynamic reality at the point of application and obedience. And that is why our focus must not be on the teacher but on the learner.
Each teacher in every school must ask himself not only "What am I teaching?" but, more importantly, "What are these students learning?" If they emerge from our schools only with books full of neat notes, correct concepts, and powerful principles then we have failed them. But if the fire of God has fallen, to cleanse, purge, renew, reveal, enlighten and change, then truly we have done the will of God.
And this surely must be the distinctive that marks and brands the University of the Nations: our focus on transformation rather than information; on application rather than knowledge; on truth rather than facts; on learning rather than teaching. If we will heed this call then we will be faithful to our calling.
(Last updated: 7 July, 2015) ©International DTS Centre, 2002, 2005, 2015.